PLAYGROUND CHIPS (engineered wood fiber) (IPEMA CERTIFIED)

Mountain West Bark Products Playground Chip is an all-natural engineered wood fiber that is perfect for  playgrounds that require the highest rating for protective surfacing. This product is an Ipema certified pine chip that meets all the standards, testing and qualifications for Schools, backyards, parks, and day care centers for Impact Attenuation of surfacing materials. It creates a loose fill surface that knits together to form a stable and accessible surface for children.


IPEMA Certification Test Results:


Mountain West Bark Products Orchid Bark is an all natural product coming straight from nature. This product is professionally screened to become a chunk bark nugget and then screened a second time to pick out the wood material for a cleaner product. Orchid bark is commonly used in the production of Orchid Flowers. Orchid bark is used for water drainage in planting mixes and meets the specifications for Orchid Growers as a growing media. Orchid bark, with its relatively large chunks, creates a very porous medium more subject to quick drying, even in a large, specimen-size container. It is frequently used for large specimen plants, and for those which prefer a very open, rapidly drying mix.

Regular Grind Bark Mulch

Mountain West Bark Products regular Grind Bark Mulch is an all-natural product coming straight from nature. This product is professionally screened and sized material commonly used in the landscape industry as a ground cover or bark mulch. With its unique size it can be used as a soil amendment or for a top dressing for flower beds or landscape designs.

Red Painted Mulch

Mountain West Bark Products Red Mulch is an all-natural product coming straight from nature. This product is a shredded fir, pine bark and whitewood mulch that provide all the mulching benefits in the landscape industry to beautify road sides, homes and businesses and also used as a natural weed barrier. Red Mulch is painted with a water soluble paint that is safe for the environment, children, adults and pets. With these great characteristics Red mulch is guaranteed to hold it color for up to 12 months. It is a dense and moisture retaining product that bonds together, mats down and stays in place.

Brown Painted Mulch

Mountain West Bark Products Brown Mulch is an all-natural product coming straight from nature. This product is a shredded fir, pine bark and whitewood mulch that provide all the mulching benefits in the landscape industry to beautify road sides, homes and businesses and also used as a natural weed barrier. Brown Mulch is painted with a water soluble paint that is safe for the environment, children, adults and pets. With these great characteristics Brown mulch is guaranteed to hold it color for up to 12 months. It is a dense and moisture retaining product that bonds together, mats down and stays in place.

Black Painted Mulch

Mountain West Bark Products Black Mulch is an all-natural product coming straight from nature. This product is a shredded fir, pine bark and whitewood mulch that provide all the mulching benefits in the landscape industry to beautify road sides, homes and businesses and also used as a natural weed barrier. Black Mulch is painted with a water soluble paint that is safe for the environment, children, adults and pets. With these great characteristics Black mulch is guaranteed to hold it color for up to 12 months. It is a dense and moisture retaining product that bonds together, mats down and stays in place.

Pathway Bark or Mini Nugget

Mountain West Bark Products Pathway Bark is an all natural product coming straight from nature. This product is a screened material commonly used in the landscape industry as a premium ground cover or bark mulch. It is also used on pathways, high travel areas and walkways. With its unique size it can be used as a component in tree potting production drainage and also a soil amendment or top dressing for flower beds or landscape designs.


Mountain West Bark Products Supreme Walk-On is an all natural product coming straight from nature. This product is a shredded fir and pine bark mulch that provides all the mulching benefits in the landscape industry to beautify road sides, homes and businesses. Supreme Walk-On is a dense and moisture retaining product that bonds together, mats down and stays in place. As the name implies, Supreme Walk-On is perfect for high traffic areas and because of its special bonding qualities it is perfect for walkways, pathways, windy areas and hillsides. With these great   characteristics of the mulch, supreme walk-on mulch has been used as a natural weed barrier and for the use of erosion control or any other professional landscaping projects.

Fiber Mulch (Shredded Bark)

Comes in 2 & 3 cu ft sizes.

Mountain West Bark Products Fiber Mulch is an all natural product coming straight from nature. This economical product is a shredded fir and pine bark mulch that provides all the mulching benefits in the landscape industry to beautify road sides, homes and businesses. Fiber Mulch is a dense and moisture retaining product that bonds together, mats down and stays in place (great for windy areas and hillsides). With these great characteristics of the mulch, fiber mulch has been used as a natural weed barrier and for the use of erosion control or any other landscaping projects.


Mountain West Bark Products Medium Bark is an all natural product coming straight from nature. This product is professionally screened to become a chunk bark or bark nugget. Medium bark is commonly used in the landscape industry as a decorative ground cover for high profile areas such as walkways and entrances. Medium bark also provides benefits as a natural weed barrier and protecting the ground from harsh temperatures.

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