Glacier Gold Professional Blend
Bark Species: A soilless mix that combines Glacier Gold Compost with coconut coir, sphagnum peat moss and perlite.
Product Size: 0" - 3/8”
Availability: Sold in bulk and bags
Mountain West Bark Products is proud to offer Glacier Gold Professional Blend. This high end product sits at the top of the Glacier Gold Line. It is a soilless mix that combines Glacier Gold Compost with coconut coir, sphagnum peat moss and perlite. The benefits include micro and macro nutrients with extremely low salt content, water holding ability of the coir along with tilth and drainage assured from the perlite. No commercial fertilizer is added but, the product is amended to deliver in an average pH range of 5.8 -6.2. Versatility is a key asset of our ”PGB” as it is used with perennials, annuals and baskets. You too can achieve the proven results that numbers of professional growers in 3 states have enjoyed for manyl years. All of the Glacier Gold products are available in bulk or 1.5 cubic foot attractive bags/50 per pallet and are proudly “Made in Montana”